Structure Overview

The angular-folder-structure project goal is to create a skeleton structure which is flexible for projects big or small.

The Angular style guide has this to say on the subject of directory structure:

Have a near-term view of implementation and a long-term vision. Start small but keep in mind where the app is heading down the road.

All of the app’s code goes in a folder named src. All feature areas are in their own folder, with their own NgModule.

Angular - Style Guide

While such instructions are nice to hear they don’t give real-world skeleton exprience. But we’ve taken this advice to heart to build our skeleton and document all the parts in line with the official documentation.

Creating an Application

Start your project using the ng command:

ng new

You will be prompted for the project name. Create a name in lower case with dashes between the words like album-collection-organizer

Next you will be asked to add Angular Routing. We recommend you select Yes (which is not the default).

Next you will be asked to select the Style Sheet Format. We recommend you select SCSS

ng will now create a default skeleton applicaiton and install your vendors.

Adding Structure

The rest of this documentaion covers new structure which is built on top of the ng generated skeleton. Every part of angular-folder-structure is optional so we suggest you review each part in this documentation to see if it is appropriate for your project.

This is documentation for angular-folder-structure. If you find this useful please add your ★ star to the project.